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What is a team?
A TEAM is a collection of people who come together with a defined purpose – to envision, create, invent and implement a specific project or to fulfill an explicit purpose. Examples include project teams, quality teams, virtual teams, and matrix teams. A high energy, high performance team is synergistic, encouraging, interdependent and accountable for the team’s success through the commitment and contributions of the team members.
Leading a team involves vision, commitment, knowledge, guidance, and communication. A team may be formed and led by an expert in the nature and function of the team’s purpose or by a person proficient in group dynamics and team building. A high perfornance team can be led by either type.
HOW is your team functioning? ARE you about to launch a newly formed team project? WANT to
diagnose your team’s HEALTH and level of TRUST among members?
CONTACT us for more information on TEAM Boot Camp and Team Building Consulting.
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